Kim Lehman
Entertaining and Educational Programs
Kim is an effective workshop presenter well known for her practical, cost-effective programming ideas for librarians, teachers, child care providers, and parents. During the last 10 years, Kim has presented over 130 workshops and webinars on topics such as storytelling, music, science, and art.
With over 45 hours of training material, workshops can be easily tailored to your needs, interests, and time frame.

“I just wanted to let you know that this workshop was so valuable for me as a new librarian! It really helped me to process a lot of the concepts I've learned about early literacy, and gave me so many ideas for how to actually turn concepts into valuable experiences for little ones. Thanks again!”
Rhiannon Graham, Youth Services Librarian/Assistant Director, Hood County Library
Thank you for a wonderful session! I do believe it was the best one I attended at TLA.
Thanks a lot! You are the best!!”
Texas Library Association Conference Participant

Workshops Offered
STEAM in Preschool Storytime
Enhance preschool storytimes and prepare young children for success in school by using STEAM activities, both fiction and nonfiction literature, fingerplays, songs and simple experiments supporting the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines for science and math.
Science Rocks!
Explore inexpensive, easy to implement science activities and programs for elementary ages to use in library programs, science nights, afterschool programs, or other informal science learning experiences.
Storytime Pizazz and Storytime Razzamatazz
Be inspired to effectively incorporate music, puppets, magic, props, and crafts in children’s programs. These are two separate and different, all day workshops.
The Magic of Music: Using Music with Children
Learn a variety of songs that use movement, dance, sign language, props, puppets, themes, books, and instruments.
Telling Stories with Scissors, Paper, Strings and Things
Use non-traditional storytelling techniques including props, puppets, tell and draw, participation, flannel board stories, creative drama, and participation to make stories come alive.
Put down the book and tell stories to children of all ages. Discover the connection, power and universal appeal of stories. Learn where to find stories, how to develop a story and techniques for telling them.
Spicing Up Your Stories with Music, Chants and Sounds
Learn tips and techniques on how to use songs and music within stories, between stories and as stories.
Making Your Summer Reading Program a Success
Everyone needs inspiration and ideas that relate to the summer themes to use with preschool, elementary and teens.
Using Puppets with Children
This workshop is designed to ignite your imagination through the use of puppets. Learn about mascot puppets, simple puppets to make and techniques to use them with stories, music, and poetry.
Fun Family Activities: Things to Do Without Plugs or Batteries
Learn inexpensive, easy to implement activities for all ages to inspire laughter, interaction, creativity and imagination.
Past Workshops (Select List)
All ten of the Regional Library Systems in Texas
Texas State Library and Archives Commission (workshops statewide)
Kansas Regional Library Systems
Arizona State Library
Texas Library Association
Texas Storytelling Festival, Denton, TX
Texas Education Agency
St. Edwards University, Austin, TX
“Thanks for the extra information---that was a fabulous and useful!”
Helen Wieman - Livingston Montessori School
“I loved your workshop! I went to school the next day feeling much more creative!”
Kim Wood - Lake Travis, TX